
Still i rise

"We all have shit days every now and then. All of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be, and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just cant happen in one day and that is perfectly okay. That's called being realistic. So your day was shit, well picked yourself right back you - chances are you achieved more than you think you did and you're just being hard on yourself. Am i right ? I think I am. Today was a bit of a fail. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day. Get that chin up. Your mindset is your most under-valued asset. #random thought:)"

Fiery path in the garden

sometimes the right path is not the easiest one #random thought:)

Skirmish over the life

Nobody knows the war she's going through... nobody knows the countless battles she fights inisde her head everyday. She is broken in sometimes, yet she always tries the hardest to make herself happy...because she knows what it is feel like utterly worthless at some point, and she doesnt want anyone else to feel the same way ...#random thought:)

When all is said and done

Healing is weird. Somedays you're okay and you're doing just fine The other days it still hurt like it's fresh Its a process With no determination time frame, you're just have to keep going and know that When all is said and done..... You're going to be okay You're gonna make it okay here I trust you Picture healing like a roller coaster somedays..You're on high feeling good and steady The other days it's like a dip the pain is back But here the thing it's a journey with a lots of twistd but you have to take step forward on those rough days Be kind to yourself imagine each step is a victory even the small ones Healing is a massive master piece and time is it's paintbrush Keep going' When all is said and done you'll look back and see how far you've come #random thought:)

Secret left behind was pain :)

Always suppresing your feeling undertsanding and yeilding to others. Maybe that's why you become so weary. #random thought:)

Only one sun can exist in this universe

We always become sick and tired of it all. I told myself to never trust anyone again. But then.... I met you. No, over here. You kept me on my feet when my life was on the verge of collapsing. And i completely fell for you. That's when I'd suddenly become anxious. I was afraid that you'd hurt me too. If I'm this unstable could we ever be happy!#random thought:)

We live for others sometimes!

Hey reader, hope all good out there. I'm Sure this blog you will be wondering whats with the up caption. Like i saystrong people do break too.. Today my heart isnt feeling well, it leading towards an emotional pieces. It would be a good way for me to let you see a side of me. I feel that strong thing and people break too. It would be such a blessing and curse to involve in living your life. I would be lying if i say my heart didnt bust at the seam of joys at all the beautiful things happen toward me. But although most of the day i feel strong, brave and steadfast into who i am sometimes my heart breaks. The danger around to walking around with your guts and heart out to give, it also make it as a target. Sometimes i do be yourself to others is ultimately rewarding and keeps me sane #random thought:)